McKinney/Allen Youth Team Tryouts

Athletes can join our COMP (competitive) teams at any time during the year following a tryout. Tryouts typically happen the last week of each month, and include a swim/run fitness assessment and a bike skill assessment. Current athletes participate in monthly tryouts as a fitness/skill benchmark.

Athletes must RSVP using the online form below prior to attending tryouts!

Youth Handbook: Click Here to View

Questions? Email

Upcoming tryout dates:

Monday, 3/24 @ 6:00 PM Swim Tryout (Don Rodenbaugh Aquatics Center)

  • Athletes trying out for COMP A will complete a timed 100y freestyle effort (in-water start)

  • Athletes trying out for COMP B will complete a 25y swim (any stroke - must complete without stopping)

Thursday, 3/27 @ 6:00 PM: Bike/Run Tryout (Scoggins Middle School)

  • All athletes will run a timed 1600 (~1 mile) on the track and complete various bike handling drills

Monday, 4/28 @ 6:00 PM Swim Tryout (Don Rodenbaugh Aquatics Center)

  • Athletes trying out for COMP A will complete a timed 100y freestyle effort (in-water start)

  • Athletes trying out for COMP B will complete a 25y swim (any stroke - must complete without stopping)

Thursday, 5/1 @ 6:00 PM: Bike/Run Tryout (Scoggins Middle School)

  • All athletes will run a timed 1600 (~1 mile) on the track and complete various bike handling drills

Tryouts RSVP

Please also make sure your athlete has our current year Playtri Waiver & Media Release prior to attending. Playtri Waiver: